Sunday, April 24, 2011

French fries at the river with 2 beautiful girls ♥

So I just came home from my little bike tour :D First we just sat at a bus stop at S-market but then we went to the river close to the town. We stopped at a mini grill and ate french fries :D It was really chill and fun, becouse we three haven't been togehter for a long time :( But yea it was really nice :)
But something that wasn't so nice was that I had to ride home aswell and that was about 5 km, and it was freezing and I just wanted to get home fast becouse it was dark and freaky :p So now it feels like my throat is falling off or something so I'm drinking Tea like crazy becouse I really don't want to get ill ! It's 2 days of the holidays left  so. Want to make the most of it ♥

fredrika is awesome !
ps. I'm gonna change back to swedish probably tomorrow :p 
or should I keep it like this? I don't know yet, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. if you want to, but writing in english is good training
